Smoking Cessation FAQs

1Who is appropriate for deep TMS for smoking cessation?
Anyone who has struggled to stop smoking is an appropriate candidate for deep TMS. Most typically, individuals will progressively escalate the interventions needed to stop. So perhaps starting with a simple statement to oneself, “today I am going to stop” will be sufficient. For others, a more extensive understanding of their triggers and learning tools for managing stress and anxiety might be sufficient additions to quit. Others might do well with nicotine replacement such as gums or patches. For many though, none of those interventions work. That is typically where one would start to consider interventions such as deep TMS. However, there no specific guideline and TMS can be tried at any point along the journey to a nicotine-free life.
2What is included in the package for deep TMS for smoking cessation?
We offer a complete program to assist you in achieving your goal to stop smoking. This includes a thorough assessment of all the factors that make stopping difficult. We provide extensive education on the impact that smoking has not only on the lungs and body, but on the mind and brain as well. Using all of this, we work to ensure that you have all the best tools at your disposal as we go through the treatments. We strive to provide a truly comprehensive program designed to optimize the likelihood of success.
3What are the side effects of deep TMS?
Because TMS is a localized treatment, there are no systemic side effects such as nausea, vomiting, GI upset, etc. The side effects of deep TMS are mostly limited to local discomfort and headaches. During your treatment, we are able to adjust the intensity so that these side effects are tolerable throughout. Typically, over the counter medications such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen can also be helpful. Overall, TMS is very well tolerated.

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